
money26 May 2010 04:50 pm

I’m… surprised.

money24 Apr 2010 10:18 am

“He says Canadians should not be smug about the relative strength of the economy because the housing market has moved ahead of fundamentals, prodded on by stimulative government measures.”–canadian-housing-market-correction-in-the-cards-says-economist

money15 Dec 2009 09:59 am

There we have it, Canadians have a higher debt load that ever:–canadians-deeper-in-debt-than-ever-before

We’re trying to buy a house, and while we can afford it, we feel that prices are too high.  The problem is that we look at the price of the house, but the rest of you morons are only looking at the monthly payments based on the current interest rates.  The current rates are artificially low, and are part of the economic stimulus intended to get us out of this “crisis”.  All of you morons buying houses that you can’t afford are driving up prices beyond all rational measure.

When interest rates rise,  and it’s time to renew your mortgage, what are you going to do?  If other morons are also selling their houses, prices will fall, so you might as well sell now, while prices are still high, and downgrade while prices are high.  Remember: downgrade while prices are high; upgrade while prices are low.

We need to buy a house now, we can’t wait for all you morons to come to your senses, so we’re stuck paying moron prices… will that make morons of us too?

Anyway, what would be best for us is a good old stampeding panic right now, when you all dump your house in fire sales.  So instead of calmly and rationally downgrading your house now, won’t you consider immediate panic as alternative course of action?

money22 Dec 2008 10:48 am

Lots of bailouts happening all over the world:

We’re giving huge sums of money to unhealthy companies.  In effect, taxpayers and profitable companies are being penalized.

I have a novel idea: let’s stop giving money to losers, and these savings can be reinvested elsewhere, perhaps in lower taxes for profitable companies and taxpayers.  That way, Canada would be more attractive to profitable self-reliant companies, less attractive to needy losers.

Specifically, if Toyota, Hyundai and Honda didn’t see their taxes go to unprofitable competitors, wouldn’t they be more likely to invest in Canada?  The same goes for companies in other sectors, but it’s there’s added irony when your taxes and your employees’ taxes subsidize a direct competitor.

Stop watering your weeds.  I bet nobody thought of that ever…  where’s my economics Nobel prize?

money15 Feb 2007 06:34 pm

I especially like the last one…